Generally a cell phone bill is around 15-20 pages and sometimes more. Does anyone really read it? Or does anyone even care to open the envelope? Most of the people are just interested in knowing the amount due. That you can check at one click of mouse over internet. Also you can enroll for auto-payment every month. Then why not to stop paper statement? I have got my all bank, credit card, phone bills electronic. My credit card company even claims that they will plant one tree if I stop paper statement. I am not much sure abut it, but I am sure that I am saving many trees by stopping all my paper statements. If your mail-box gets flooded with pre-approved credit card offers then you can stop it by making only one call. Look at the bottom of any such credit card offer, you will find one 1-800 number, dial it and opt out. This is some kind of centralized database, so by one call you can stop all credit card offers. I have done that, too. Oh, and the number two reason I did this all is I don’t want to spend hours on shredding paper statements. I don’t want any security scam to happen with me. So I shred any paper with my name, SSN, address or phone number in sunflower seed size.

I request you my friends, please act right now. Stop all your paper statements and enroll for electronic copy.
Agreed, once again. I have stopped all the paper statements. I don't understand why there is so much wastage of paper in terms of spams and marketing mails.
Most of the people I know throw away such spam even without opening it. Problem is even if you stop the statement delivery, the banks keep sending various offers and proposals constantly. At a macro level we can stop a lot of wastage by switching to the electronic copies, but unfortunately it will still be a very small amount of total wastage.
Small contributions make a big difference - and I am with you on this one.
U wont believe this..
but i just thought of the same thing today morning, when i was having my tea at dining table and looking at those unopened bills...
N I stopped them in noon..
and when i am reading this right now.. its a mid night..
n i ll sleep with a kind of satisfaction today.. i have done something good !!!
Finally. I called those people up and tried to get my name removed. It's one small step at a time, but it's steady and definite. However,
1. It will take them several months to complete stop delivering junk at my door step.
2. One such organization only caters to 2-3 companies, so others still may not get it.
3. I get at least 2-3 offers everyday, so for next 90 days I will still be contributing to the pile of world-junk.
It yet makes me feel good that I finally did it.
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